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Music, Dept. of

Identifier: CA09.12

Scope and Content Note

This collection documents the activities of the Bates College Department of Music, and numerous musical groups, clubs, and performances on campus, as well as Bates-affiliated muscial events in the local community. Materials include programs, brochures, flyers, correspondence and memoranda, budgets, clippings, member/performer rosters, and recordings.


  • 1875-[ongoing]


Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

The collection is the physical property of Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library. Bates College holds literary rights only for material created by College personnel working on official behalf of the College, or for material which was given to the College with such rights specifically assigned. For all other material, literary rights, including copyright, belong to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns. Researchers are responsible... for obtaining permission from rights holders for publication or other purposes that exceed fair use.

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Historical Note

Music at Bates began as a student-led activity, with various clubs and performances on campus by the 1870s. Singing and performing were common enough at social events and at chapel exercises to merit frequent mention in the student newspaper throughout the 19th century. Although no musical instruction was offered as part of the Bates curriculum at that time, according to the Bates Student in 1880 and 1881 a B.F. Wood of Lewiston was offering music... classes at Bates for interested students.

The Music Department was formed in 1925, with Seldon T. Crafts appointed as the first Professor of Music and department head, a position he held until his retirement in 1947.

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10 box(es)

Language of Materials


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Contains materials relating to the activities of the Bates College Department of Music, and numerous musical groups, clubs, and performances on campus.

Organization and Arrangement

Administrative files are arranged alphabetically by folder title, then chronologically by academic year. Program files are arranged by date. Recordings are arranged first by format, then by date.

Acquisition Note

Many of the files appear to have been gathered and arranged originally by D. Robert Smith, head of the Bates Music Department and chapel organist from 1950 to 1974. Professor John Corrie donated 320 recordings in 2014.

Guide to the Department of Music records, 1875-[ongoing]
Edited Full Draft
Pat Webber
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
Language of description note
Description is in: English
Edition statement

Repository Details

Part of the Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library Repository

70 Campus Avenue
Lewiston Maine 04240 United States of America