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Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer, Physical Plant records

Identifier: CA07.05

Scope and Content Note

These records document the activities and functions of the Bates College Physical Plant. They contain master plans, maps, drawings, information on buildings and publications.


  • undated

Access Restrictions

Administrative records are closed to researchers for 20 years from date of creation.

Use Restrictions

The collection is the physical property of Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library. Bates College holds literary rights only for material created by College personnel working on official behalf of the College, or for material which was given to the College with such rights specifically assigned. For all other material, literary rights, including copyright, belong to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns. Researchers are responsible... for obtaining permission from rights holders for publication or other purposes that exceed fair use.

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Historical Note

The Physical Plant department is responsible for the planning, construction, renovation, maintenance and repair of college buildings and facilities; and the provision of utilities, refuse collection, custodial and other services essential to the mission of Bates College. Our mission is to make the Bates College campus a comfortable, safe, and aesthetically attractive place to learn, live, work and play. We strive to keep all operating systems in good... working order, and respond to emergency maintenance and repair needs of the campus community. We are committed to sustainability and build community through outreach and education, while reducing our environmental footprint; while conserving energy, promoting renewable energy, use of alternative transportation, recycling, and green procurement. [From the Physical Plant website.]

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6.5 Linear Feet

Language of Materials


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These records document the activities and functions of the Bates College Physical Plant. They contain master plans, maps, drawings, information on buildings and publications.

Organization and Arrangement

The collections is arranged alphabetically by folder title.

Guide to the Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer, Physical Plant records, undated
Edited Full Draft
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
Language of description note
Description is in: English
Edition statement

Repository Details

Part of the Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library Repository

70 Campus Avenue
Lewiston Maine 04240 United States of America