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Bates College Women's Resource Center Records

Identifier: CA12.09

Collection Overview

This collection contains administrative records, programming materials, clippings, brochures, photographs, DVDs and posters documenting the history of the Bates College Women’s Resource Center. It also contains records pertaining to associated women's organizations, women's groups on other campuses, and assorted feminist issues.


  • 1988 - 2013
  • Majority of material found within 2000 - 2004


Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

The collection is the physical property of Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library. Bates College holds literary rights only for material created by College personnel working on official behalf of the College, or for material which was given to the College with such rights specifically assigned. For all other material, literary rights, including copyright, belong to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns. Researchers are responsible... for obtaining permission from rights holders for publication or other purposes that exceed fair use.

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Historical Note

The Bates College Women’s Resource Center (WRC) was begun in 2000, with widespread support from students and other campus and community members, who felt that such a center would be valuable in light of widespread problems such as sexual assault, harassment, and eating disorders on college campuses. According to its constitution, the WRC aims to: create a safe space for women on campus; provide a space for the exchange of ideas outside of an academic... setting; build a supportive community; generate dialog between women and men regarding women’s/gender issues; and to raise awareness of those issues -- all to “help create a campus free of sexism, discrimination and violence.”

By 2001 the WRC had established weekly meetings, regular hours, and a resource library including books, magazines and videos. The WRC continues to sponsor or co-sponsor monthly brown bag lunches, movie nights, speakers, and conferences, for topics including but not limited to: domestic violence, the effect of immigration laws on women worldwide, gender archetypes in the arts, sex and pop culture, breast cancer awareness/prevention, women’s history, student activism, and reproductive freedom.

In January of 2005 the Peci Family Trust made a large bequest to Bates College, which included a gift of $10,000 in the name of Vera Vivian von Peci (Bates ’42,) to establish a current use fund in support of WRC programs.

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4.04 Linear Feet (3 manuscript boxes, 1 extra large flat box)

Language of Materials


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Arrangement note

This collection is arranged into five series: Organizational Files, Programming, Associated Organizations, Informational Resources, and Special Formats. Only a minimal level of arrangement has been done within the series, with original order mostly maintained save for refoldering from binders and consolidation of previously loose materials.

Guide to the Bates College Women's Center Records
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script

Repository Details

Part of the Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library Repository

70 Campus Avenue
Lewiston Maine 04240 United States of America